Fashion, Outfits
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Shimmering to a New Year



Today is the beginning of a new year for me and my little Charms of Penny.  One of my many goals is to continue writing on my blog, the rest of my goals as my father has taught me I will keep them to myself and work on them rather than discuss them.  2016 brought me and taught me many life lessons I will forever take in my heart. It has taught me to be tougher (hence the boots) stronger, it has motivated me to continue to push for my dreams as a pursue to the life I choose to live, BUT most importantly it brought light to my heart again.

2016 I say goodbye to you and thank you for bringing me and teaching me those needed life lessons.

Rather than not discussing the elephant in the room, I will briefly say, I had to let go of that part of my life not with anger nor frustration, but acceptance and gratefulness it was a repeated cycle that passed its course. 

I am shedding the expectations I thought I wanted and learning to simply enjoy life at the moment.

2016 wow! how happy I am to have had you. Why not celebrate it with a lil’ pop of pink fur, a little black dress, and champagne because I can and I felt like it!

I can’t believe all the things I accomplished from starting my very own wedding photography business, getting one of my weddings published in a wedding publication, becoming an independent woman, meeting amazing people (both customers, vendors, and amigos) as well as reconnecting with people that mean the world to me, embarking on several road trips with awesome humans to even ones alone! It was just me and my new jams.  A highlight of these trips was driving through the Mojave desert actually stopping and listening to the nothingness, I kid you not I felt like a long lost member of The Eagles (yes I was listening to them on that very day) So many first from running my first half marathon(training for it in beautiful locations), trying new hobbies, seeing Coldplay, going on an airplane to new places, taking a ferry boat across a friendly island (which I will later post on the blog) and finally most importantly finding Lily. NOW my friends this journey is a work in process, and let me tell you I am excited to find this lovely lady.  I hear she is one to keep an eye on! totally joking! I am not that into myself.

2017 I got you! Dreaming big things! I am ready to continue to shine on to the next year!

Live every moment, laugh any chance you get (even at yourself you ain’t that serious), and love yourself!



1 Comment

  1. Your outfit looks absolutely amazing! You are killing it in that pink coat. 2017 better be ready. Thank you for sharing just enough so we can see how far you’ve come. You can see the new light you have in the pictures and your text just adds to confirming what we already see. Much love! -M

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